We return to the current Silver Spiral Stories project, Hostile Negotiations, where Drakar reveals something about himself, and we enter the world of organized crime. It looks like he and Ms. Mayden share some characteristics. This is another page inked by Kevin, who has been an enormous help. You can also listen to us every week on our podcast, Supernatural Selection.
Not a ton of update notices this week. Of course, we have the latest Cosmic Dash page from the current story, “Ladies’ Fight”:

Also, podcasting is going well. If you are checking this episode out on Monday, you should be able to head over to Supernatural Selection and listen to my episode about the Waverly Hills Sanatorium. It was a fun episode to research, and there is some fantastic history beyond the ghost stuff.
I have been pretty busy with freelancing as of late, which has cut down on my ability to do side material for the Cosmic Dash setting, but I have things on the way. My biggest goal is to complete the current novella edit.
Fingers crossed, I can slow down on taking freelancing work for a bit. However, I have a new webcomic analysis article if you’re interested.
Meanwhile, the RGBots archive project recently wrapped up 2021, meaning we have 2022, and we’ll be caught up with previously published material on Twitter, and I can feel comfortable updating it again.
The Syndicate
There are a few criminal organizations in the Silver Spiral Galaxy. We’ve already seen a lot of material involving space pirates, but organized crime is pretty widespread in a galaxy such as this. The Syndicate, also known as The Falling Star Syndicate, is a long-running organization that seems to be one jewel in the crown of Drakar Vadis’s criminal empire.
The Falling Star Syndicate is primarily known for money laundering and currency manipulation. They were also initially founded by a small group of hijackers known as the Reapers.
Silver Spiral Stories: Hostile Negotiations – Pg 3 Transcript
The following is a transcript for Silver Spiral Stories: “Hostile Negotiations” – Pg 3.
Panel One
Establishing shot of a building built into a canyon wall. The building has signage for “Naba Co” depicting some fruit.
Caption: Naba Co. Secret Operations Center of Blassna‘s Syndicate Operations
Panel Two
Inside a darkened room in the Naba Co. building. Drakar and Mayden are standing in front of a blassnaught guarding a door.
Guard: No augments in the Boss’ office.
Drakar: I am The Boss.
Panel Three
The blassnaught guard shrugs with a stern expression. He is following his orders.
Panel Four
Drakar looks annoyed at the guard.
Drakar: Sigh.
Panel Five
Drakar removes his left eye, a false eye.
Panel Six
Drakar hands his eyeball to Mayden, who holds onto it for him.
Drakar: Mayden?
Mayden: Of course.
Panel Seven
Drakar turns back to the guard, but Mayden is behind him. They have a quiet conversation about what appears to be a trap.
Mayden: Shall I join you, sir? I am detecting several black sites in my scan. I am expecting they will try to kill you.
Drakar: No. I am more than capable of tending to this matter myself. I want you to begin the title transfer for the research facility.
Mayden: Understood.
Panel Eight
Drakar waves off Mayden as he enters the room. The blassnaught holds the door open.
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See you next week at CosmicDash.com as we continue “Ladies’ Fight.”